Save the Date: Poetry in the Digital Age
23. Februar 2017, von Martin Reischmann
Internationale Konferenz: „Poetry in the Digital Age“
15.-17. Juni 2017, Akademischer Senatsaal der Universität Hamburg
(english version: please see below)
Im Juni findet die internationale Konferenz „Poetry in the Digital Age“ statt, die vom Teilprojekt "'Performing Poetry‘. Mediale Übersetzungen und situationale Rahmungen zeitgenössischer Lyrik" von Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien und Wiebke Vorrath in Verbindung mit Catrin Prange veranstaltet wird.
Gegenstand der internationalen Tagung ist die Relevanz von der auf den ersten Blick anachronistisch anmutenden Textsorte ‚Gedicht‘ im digitalen Zeitalter. Die Veranstaltung geht davon aus, dass sich Lyrik erstens gegenwärtig einer durchaus erklärungsbedürftigen Beliebtheit erfreut und, dass sie zweitens heutzutage in höchst unterschiedlichen Formaten und Medien zu finden ist. In vier Sektionen diskutieren die Referent/inn/en ästhetische Strategien des Herausstellen der Materialität sprachlicher Zeichen in zeitgenössischer Lyrik, die in poetischen Traditionen seit der Avantgarde stehen (Foregrounding Materiality – Polyphonic and Multilingual Poetry), die musikalischen Ursprünge sowie Formen von Lyrik und deren gegenwärtigen Ausprägungen (‚Music(alization) and the Lyric’), produktionsästhetische und übersetzungstheoretische Fragestellungen (‚Audioliteral Poetry between Text, Performance, and Mediatization’) und verschiedene mediale Darbietungsformen (‚Poetry and Audiovisual Media’).
Die Tagungssprache ist Englisch. Das vollständige Programm finden Sie unten.
Konzeption und Leitung: Prof. Dr. Claudia Benthien, Wiebke Vorrath, Catrin Prange
The topic of this international conference is the relevance of poetry – a literary genre that at first glance seems anachronistic – in the digital age. The conference’s premises are that firstly, poetry is currently enjoying a popularity that is in need of thorough explanation and that secondly, it can be found in the most varying of formats and media. In four sections the talks will deal with relations of contemporary poetry to poetic traditions since the avant-garde and aesthetic strategies of emphasizing the materiality of language (Foregrounding Materiality – Polyphonic and Multilingual Poetry), the musical origins and genres of poetry and their current occurrences (‘Music(alization’) and the Lyric), production-aesthetical examinations and translation-theoretical questions (‘Audioliteral Poetry between Text, Performance, and Mediatization’) and different medial appearances (‘Poetry and Audiovisual Media’).
All talks will be held in English.
Poetry in the Digital Age
June 15 to 17, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
- 2:00 PM Welcome and Introduction
Foregrounding Materiality – Polyphonic and Multilingual Poetry. Chair: Claudia Benthien
2.30 PM
- Frieder von Ammon (Leipzig): Poetic Polyphony. Remarks on a Neglected Tradition
3.30 PM
- Wiebke Vorrath (Hamburg): Language Dissection and Sound Interferences in Contemporary Poetry
4.30 PM
- Coffee Break
5.30 PM
- Esther Kilchmann (Hamburg): Macaronics for the Digital Age. Multilingual Aesthetics in Contemporary Poetry
7.30 PM
- Poetry Event „Lyrik live!“ with Nora Gomringer and Jan Wagner, Literaturhaus Hamburg
Friday, June 16, 2017
Music(alization) and the Lyric. Chair: Wiebke Vorrath
9.30 AM
- Ralph Müller (Fribourg): The Models of Music. Lyric – Lyrics – ‘Lied’ in the Digital Age
10.30 AM
- Sascha Seiler (Mainz): „Certain songs, they get so scratched into our souls“ – Pop Songs as Poetry?
11.30 AM
- Coffee Break
12.00 PM
- Eckhard Schumacher (Greifswald): Explicit Lyrics: Listening, Reading, (Mis-)Understanding
13.15 PM
- Lunch
3.00 PM
- Jakob Schweppenhäuser (Aarhus): Words and Drums and Metrical Free Verse: Rhythmetrical Reflections on the Border of Language
4.00 PM
- Coffee Break
Audioliteral Poetry between Text, Performance, and Mediatization. Chair: Claudia Benthien
4.30 PM
- Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen (Aarhus): The Performing Voice of Recorded Poetry – Digital Disembodiment and Effects of Authenticity
5.30 PM
- Catrin Prange (Hamburg): Poetic Transformations: Gomringer’s ‘Sprechtexte’ on Stage and in Digital Media
7.30 PM
- Conference Dinner
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Poetry and Audiovisual Media. Chair: Catrin Prange
9.30 AM
- Peter Stein Larsen (Aalborg): Ekphrastic Forms in Contemporary Poetry
10.30 AM
- Martina Pfeiler (Bochum): Intermediality Reconsidered: Poetry, Aesthetic Pluralism, and Cultural Strategies in Poetry Films
11.30 AM
- Coffee Break
12.00 PM
- Louise Mønster (Aalborg): Sci-fi-poetry between Text, Music and Video
1:00 PM
- Summary and Perspectives
Conference venue: Universität Hamburg, Akademischer Senatssaal, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Poetry event venue: Literaturhaus Hamburg, Schwanenwik 38, 22087 Hamburg